Total Medals Earned: 429 (From
36 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 3,375 Points
Boomerang the bat on the first screen.
Complete the easy round.
Complete the medium round.
Finish with under 400 clicks.
Kill the boss.
Finish with under 300 clicks.
Complete the hard round.
Finish with under 200 clicks.
Finished Level 1
Finished Level 2
Finished level 3 and Defeated Boss 1.
Finished Level 7
Finished Level 4
Finished Level 5
Finished Level 6 and Defeated Boss 2.
Finished Level 10 and Defeated Boss 3.
Finished Level 9
Finished Level 8
Completed the game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat the game.
Read all the signs.
Get all the coins.
Kill all the enemies.
Don't take damage.
Recover some strength
Become a full human
Get your legs back
Grow small wings
Become the beast
Restore the fountain's flow
Complete the game in 15 minutes or less
Get a game over.
Pause the game.
Destroy an enemy by deflecting a projectile at it.
Play a custom game with only jets.
Get a 20+ combo.
Squish a pedestrian by pushing tank over it.
Regenerate a total of 10 health bars over the game.
Survive 10 minutes in Custom Mode with all units set at maximum intensity.
Kill 10 enemies with the zeppelin's laser.
Get a score of 10,000 in Grenade Juggler.
Beat story mode.
Survive 5 minutes on Missile Crisis.
Get a score of 100 in Pancake Factory.
Beat story mode on hard.
Complete the first chapter.
Complete the second chapter.
Complete a level made in the map editor.
Complete the third chapter.
Complete the fourth chapter.
Complete the final chapter.
Complete the bonus chapter.
What an entertaining pastime!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Sheep are fun to hit, but you declined...
Kept your four leaf clover throughout the whole game.
No one can stop you!
Win the aggressive way
Win the epic way
Win the undetected way
I TOLD you dog!
I did it on purpose...
6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a
Lose 6 points
Fail 55 times
Watch all 40 unique fails
You know you want this medal
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Forgo your worldly posessions.
Deliver your taxes to the IRS in a timely manner.
Send a Lexus back to the shop.